Death Stick: The Death of Me | Teen Ink

Death Stick: The Death of Me

January 12, 2023
By mayasultan GOLD, Islamabad, Other
mayasultan GOLD, Islamabad, Other
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
,تم اِس لمہے میں زندہ ہو
پر یہ لمحہ تم سے زندہ ہے۔

The mortification,

despair, chagrin:

                                 all shrunk into that one death stick: the death of me.

The bleak vexation,

suffering, and blight,

diminished into that rejuvenating smile.

                                You were the radiance at the end of the murky tunnel,

                                          but you led to an even illustrious gloom.

The emperor of all maladies,

the phantom of my obsession.

And now,

that phantasm is a cloud of insipid ashen memories:

the death of me.

The author's comments:

Writing is a passion that runs deep in Maya's veins. Her creations although raw and undefiled reek of melancholy at their intense epitome, hoping that her words seep into the reader's bones.

Maya Sultan is a 17-year-old senior in Islamabad, Pakistan.

Her publications include The Paper Crane Journal, The Hearth Magazine, Cathartic Youth Literary Magzine, Teen Ink, and Juniper Literary Magazine.  

Every piece Maya writes is a fragment of her heart that she exposes to the real world. This fragment was one of Maya's initial creations, inspired by a young heartbreak and how the death stick (for the poem, it is intended to be a cigarette - the reader can metamorphose this metaphor into whatever entity they deem fit) becomes the bearer and knower of all pains. 

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