Unlovable | Teen Ink


January 13, 2023
By Ethan_S BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
Ethan_S BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How can I relate to love

If love doesn’t care for me,

Forgetting I exist

Each second I breathe.

With all these possibilities

Can’t there be endless solutions and equations

So there should be someone out there, 

But why has it taken love so long 

Just to make a simple formula for me.

Has my personality gone stale

Or my appearance outdated

Or is the fact that I am a nobody

Living in the forgetfulness in Love’s mind.

Am I a freak for being too tall

Intimidating others everywhere I go

Or am I just too nervous and anxious

Hiding in the shadows and corners in everyone’s story 

I wish for someone out there

To take me by the hand

Noticing me each and everyday

And defy the curse that Love has put on me.

I’m still waiting in this dark and empty pit

Hoping for a light to shine down upon me

Knowing that it will be my turn soon

For my special someone to retrieve me from these depths.

So listen to me, the creator of Love.

I’m tired of being an outcast

I’m tired of being in the background

And I wish for you to look at me with open eyes

Realizing I too can be loved.

The author's comments:

This piece is basically me a few months ago reflecting on myself on how I could not be loved to have a partner or good friends yet also feel uncomfortable with myself and my attributes.

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