My skin | Teen Ink

My skin

February 7, 2023
By Anonymous

My skin 

I'm Getting too comfortable in my skin again, I'm laughing at all my old jokes. I need to make myself little again, I need to be what they want me to be. So I shove their words down my throat I become what I'm not. I become a liar, Ignorant like a child but not fully blindsided to what I'm doing to myself just so I can blend in. I shoved their words and touch down my throat So I could be like them. my inner child is screaming at me not to. my inner Child is Begging me to let myself out to stop killing myself for others. 


I've been told that my greatest quality is my kindness but also my greatest downfall. That is who I am. like a child innocent and pure, Unknowing of the darkness of this world. I see the light in people that they do not see in themselves. But yet their words grasp me I'm innocent so I fall for those words so easily. I am told to be like everyone else to blend in not to be too out there but also not to hide myself not to be too much not to be too little. they tell me to show some more skin then they tell me not to show Too Much otherwise I'll become a thought. They tell me that I'm too small. I should eat more or I look like I'm getting too fat that I need to eat less.  I want to throw up the words of this world. making me spin making me feel sick.

Will this endless loop stop will I get to a point where I can allow myself to be comfortable in my own skin. To be myself to be happy with who I am and to accept it. To use my kindness to help others to help show them not to listen to the lies people tell you to not let it deceive you to be happy. but also to know that as a young child it's okay to mess up and do the wrong thing. That's how we learn. That's how we grow. When I stopped shoving people's lies down my throat and became who I am I bloomed like a wildfire, as a young spring flower after a  long brutal cold winter. I am free and I am Young. 

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