Understanding Silence | Teen Ink

Understanding Silence

February 13, 2023
By gogo7856 SILVER, Richmond, Virginia
gogo7856 SILVER, Richmond, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. - Niccolo Machiavelli

Not all silence is empty
It’s filled with soft murmurs
of the sounds
that can’t be heard

Silence is a gift
given by daydreams
taken by nightmares
drenched in a cold yet welcoming touch

Its gentle hands cup your face
and whisper
"It’s ok"

You can snuggle into its arms
and feel safe and steady
It listens
It shares your emotions

It will hold your tears
for a moment
Then wash them
and let them dry

It will toss your soft smile
into the air
and let it combust around the walls
covering them in honey-filled sunlight

It will bring you the hum of noises
that you never bothered to listen to
It stoops down
to hand you this gift

It’s proud of its work
Proud of the way it can hold you
when no one else will

When the silence next hands you
this rare and inspiring gift
try to remember
that it knows

it understands.

The author's comments:

I find it calming to sit in silence and enjoy all of the noises around me!

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