Fleet-footed | Teen Ink


February 17, 2023
By shorrmiel GOLD, New York City, New York
shorrmiel GOLD, New York City, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Keep me clean I wish to be simple

Not boring but


The bird flies north 

Land that is clean

Is the destination longed to be 


I want to be the figure you’ve conjured

She is elegant and ingratiating your curiosity 

My skin soft like coconut milk puddy

You felt like pink lace 

Sewn into my thoughts  

Base times height 

The area is 

Stitched into a fabric that I douse myself in before bed 

I put it over my heat damaged hair


Like the way we catch snow on our tongues

Like the way I make my mom smile

I want you to see me

Carved so perfectly you have to knuckle your eyes

Each and every time I pass you

So I ask again

Keep me clean

Washed hands with warm fuzzy bars of soap

Water me to be the plant you want

The bird lands by lakes 

Green fields 

Sunny days 

Red fuchsia 

Means I like your taste

Sweet warm lingers 

In your mind 

She's on your tongue when you speak


Means I send a message

You send me many

They tie me in a loop

Fish caught at sea 


Flash fleeting

You caught me

It's what some call a short lived lust

Deciduous: adjective

(of a tree or shrub) shedding its leaves annually.

I’m watered and replanted

So to speak reborn

New petals flaunt 

attachments to people like you

I’ve become fleet- footed

Either you let go or I stopped reaching

I’ve become fleet- footed

And to some that may look like 

Flying towards 


But really I’m flying towards 


I’ve ever wanted

I sprint down dirt roads

I sprint in meadows of wet grass

I sprint home

Is the bird flying upside down

Or is it inside out 

My smile dug up

From the roots

But this time I hold the shovel

I beg

Keep me clean

That means

Keep me far far away from 


The author's comments:

Teenage girls often feel the effects of the male gaze. Within this piece I explore that idea and how it is so easy to lose yourself. I talk about finding validation within your own body. The infatuation with another person can be beautiful, but also horrific. Each experience helps us grow and once you can begin to look at failed relationships in that way it is empowering.   

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This article has 1 comment.

AnonUser124 said...
on Feb. 21 2023 at 9:55 pm
AnonUser124, New York, New York
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
This poem is so deep. As a man it can be hard to understand what a woman goes through. This poem helps me understand. Very creative topic.