A Sword Killing Those on Both Ends | Teen Ink

A Sword Killing Those on Both Ends

February 19, 2023
By featherheart25 GOLD, Upperdeerfield, New Jersey
featherheart25 GOLD, Upperdeerfield, New Jersey
17 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"aut viam inveniam aut faciam" (I will either find a way, or I will make one)

Laid cold, rotten with eyes sown in blood, to which never forgotten 
Eyes burn of sorrow as the world crumbles to never restore  
Now instantly sealed for sorrow to follow my heart forever 
To plea for another reality my heart sickens for 
Echoed weeping turning, churning my blood never like before  
Another life to add more  
Each tie broken as each life was taken with a knife in my hand 
Accident done, action not taken, broken forevermore 
Steel cold to the palm as my thoughts unfold the tears that blur the scene  
To always ever wish for a time never meant for one more 
Left with a world of bad to stay sad with no one anymore 
Trapped to fall in regret more 

The author's comments:

Dealing with the loss of someone is the hardest pain anyone can go through. It's an indescribable pain and yet I have tried to describe it. 

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