Shushed To Drown | Teen Ink

Shushed To Drown

February 28, 2023
By antonella_mendietad BRONZE, Miami, Florida
antonella_mendietad BRONZE, Miami, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you're truly determined, every obstacle become a stepping stone." -Maxime Lagace

Shushed to drown

Antonella Mendieta Daetz

A year ago I was a mouse

My lips were glued, zipped, locked 

Sealed shut

I spoke to no one

I was hit by many trucks and still not a word

When I finally clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth 

I was a devil

Everyone thought I was a dragon

A fire-spitting one

A feeling spitting one

The ones everyone feared the most

When in reality

I just wanted to have a voice

Just didn't know the hazards of having a voice

Always the devil

From the populars to the loners

All of it from standing up to the mean

Why were words made if not to express?

A year forward I’m a feeling spitting dragon

A gossip-spitting dragon

An opinion-spitting dragon

An opposite dragon than the past

An erupting volcano

Yet this time

I'm hurt once again

I'm drowning

I speak less again

How do I help myself get out of the raging waves?

I get hit by a truck once again

I speak again

From no experience, I managed to be the bad guy

For being an ant for all those years

I have no voice

Not at home

Not at school

Not with friends

What are words for if not to express?

How do I manage to use the right equation for words?

I just get the “do" not the “how”

Every time I say the tiniest thing

I get hurt

Why not be a wise owl or a silenced mouse again?

What is the point of life if I have no voice?

My lips are glued, zipped, locked 

Sealed shut

Im being shushed to drown

The author's comments:

Writing has now become a habit to express what I feel. Currently I feel like I have no voice sometimes I even doubt if I should be quiet once again. 

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