I wish | Teen Ink

I wish

March 8, 2023
By LaineeKin BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
LaineeKin BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wish 

That all people were kind

And everyone got along

And no one was rude to others

I wish

That all friends didn’t cause drama

And that some just let you be who you are

So you can make friends that care about you

I wish 

That we never had to go to school

So every day would have new adventures

Hanging out with friends and making new memories

I wish

That it was always summer

So you could go to the beach and the pool

Have super late nights

And sun-kissed skin

I wish

That Christmas was every day

Not because I want the gifts

But because it is a day of giving

And everyone should love to give

I wish

That even on sad days

There was something happy

Like a little bit of Sunshine

Or a happy song

I wish

Once or twice a year

There are days packed with snow

So all you can do is

Cozy up by the fireplace and drink hot chocolate

I wish

Everyone had super close friends

That you can always count on

That makes you smile and laugh

And you can tell them anything

I wish

You could listen to the waves roll up against the beach

While also playing your favorite songs

Feel the beating sun go on your skin when you sit on the sand

And jump in the ocean when you get too hot and need to cool down

I wish

Birthdays were a bigger deal

It’s one of the most fun days of the year

But instead of a one-layer cake with flowers

Why not a triple-layer cake with flowers?

I wish 

It would always rain when the sun is out

Because then you get a two in one

The happy sunshine during the day

But also the smell and feel of rain at the same time

I wish

We had time to do everything

So you would never miss out on something

You could try anything you want

And never skip out on new things

I wish

That every day was a great one

You would never have to worry

Being as happy as,

A pig in the sun.


I wish 

Every person got to see the mountains,

I get to everyday

The gorgeous pine trees

With piles of snow or bright green bushes

I wish 

That some days could be just like when we were kids

Playing fun little games

Going to the park with your friends

And playing with chalk on the driveway

I wish 

Everyone has fun traditions they do each year

Like around Christmas time

Or your birthday

Or anytime in the middle of the year

I wish 

Your stomach would hurt from laughing each and every day

I wish that the smile that spreads across your face was not just for today

I wish that each and every person had a chance to try something new

And most of all I wish that happiness would last endlessly

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