Love | Teen Ink


April 4, 2023
By ShelbyLaDiva SILVER, Mantador, North Dakota
ShelbyLaDiva SILVER, Mantador, North Dakota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love is a game

you need to know how

to play it

Don't screw up

Don't do it

Love them

Don't say "Love you"

Say "I Love You"

Don't say "Gn"

Say "Goodnight"

Don't say "Gm"

Say "Good Morning"

You will never know 

what they will think 

"They said "Love You" so they 

don't Love Me"

Love is Tough

You just need 

To know who

to give your

Love to

Don't say "I Love You"

Right away

Wait for the 

Perfect Time

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