Forever Alone | Teen Ink

Forever Alone

April 20, 2023
By KarmaTheRascal BRONZE, Independence, Kentucky
KarmaTheRascal BRONZE, Independence, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Do you ever feel like you're in a black hole or a void? You're just stuck time has stopped or paused and you're running in place? Nowhere to go and you just have like this ball of rage, sadness, depression, happiness, etc. Just all this emotions and thoughts in a ball, building up because there is no one to go to, nowhere to hide from it all, nowhere to run to? 

    You just feel like the only way out is death and or just for everyone to leave you alone? This void or black hole is just trapping you inside it as everything is just fading in on you and falling in on you as you're being crushed by your thoughts and depression. You have no one to run to, no one to tell, so you live with this. When you do have someone to tell they leave you, ignore you, act like they don't care, get annoyed by you, and pretend you don't exist. They act like it's nothing. 

    They get mad because you are "looking for attention" or because you talk too much or at least too much for them. In the end you have no one still, so you make friends with the blackhole or void.

Forever Alone. 

There is no escape. 

There is no where to run to. 

The author's comments:

The way depression can take over one's mental health and mind. This was how my mind was at one point.

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