Poem: {Everything I'd wish for} | Teen Ink

Poem: {Everything I'd wish for}

April 21, 2023
By Anonymous

Within your eyes hid everything I wish I were let in on.

Your sharp gaze,
pierced through my being.

How bad I wish our eyes would meet again,
Even for one second.

I gulp at the piercing pain,
Embracing it each time,
Having thrived on it for the little time I stole,
for I know I'd have to come down from the high, right after.

I find a sense of comfort in your eyes,
Nothing I could simply put into words.

I welcome the bitter aftertaste of every interaction of ours

I'd look past the harsh reality:
How you're not wishing we were each other's at this very moment,
how this distance does not bother you one bit.

Big, sparkling, eyes,
everything I wanted
and would lose myself to

The author's comments:

Can't always have it all.


*This has also been posted on my personal Wattpad account.

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