To Those Stuck in the Past | Teen Ink

To Those Stuck in the Past

May 12, 2023
By Mitchell2022 PLATINUM, Lambertville, Michigan
Mitchell2022 PLATINUM, Lambertville, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Racism, homophobia, and many more 

People who treat others differently , why?

What have they done to you, how have they hurt you?

Can't answer, is that because they are different and you were told by your parents to not like them, that they were not normal?

Cause i'm sure it’d be real funny if that happened to you

If you were treated like an outcast and bullied for who you are 

But wait that's already happened to some of you yet you can't feel sympathy for them

Because they are Gay? A different Race?

Do you really believe that anyone deserves to live through this bullying for who they are 

And to your kids will you pass onto them this same mindset of unjustified hate?

To become a bully? To treat others badly, even though you promote this message of treating others how you want to be treated? 

Well that’d make you biased “oh you should treat others how you want to be treated besides anyone I don't like for how they are”

And so with heavy heart i must admit my father is among those brainwashed by his parents and those parents before to dislike Those who are different 

And to you Father though you will not see this for a long time I hope one day you can be more accepting of those around all of us

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