Graduation Day | Teen Ink

Graduation Day

July 4, 2023
By Nix_Rosegold SILVER, Rochester, New York
Nix_Rosegold SILVER, Rochester, New York
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Being weird is being different and being different is good!!!!

It's... Graduation day

Thirteen years, all cumulate

To a piece of paper

A piece of paper? 

Like something I'd doodle on

While bored in class? 

And when in the past, 

State issued tests

Wished you the best. 


Graduation day, 

The future of your life, 

Washed in a hype. 

On a piece of paper, 

Starting with, 

Marches stiff. 

Eyes stare you down, 

Arenas like

A gladiator's fight. 


Graduation day, 

Side by side, 

With many faces. 

Some not sure, 

You ever knew. 

They'll stay with you, 

Old but new. 

Who'd once been shocked, 

By the number '23. 


Graduation day, 

Friends I've known, 

For many years. 

And those who I 

Didn't quite like. 

All together. 

Caps off to new beginnings, 

Robes'll sweep away the past

Onto our new world. 


Graduation day, 

We hold our breaths

For a moment. 

Remembering those

Who didn't make it... 

Phantoms where

Friends would be. 

Taken too soon, 

Without a chance to walk the moon. 


Graduation day, 

Tassels moved from left to right. 

Caps off to new beginnings, 

Empty spaces faced together. 

In spite of all our differences, 

We stand as one. 

A few last steps,

Across a stage. 

Then we walk to our future. 

The author's comments:

Graduated high school this year. My class at my school has been through a lot, and so have many others. With the pandemic throwing off normal functions, and more than that. But it's a beautiful thing, unity and the promise of a new chapter in one's life. 

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