Open Door | Teen Ink

Open Door

August 10, 2023
By MS_Blues GOLD, San Jose, California
MS_Blues GOLD, San Jose, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The progress of an artist is a continual self-sacrifice, a continual extinction of personality."
- T.S. Eliot

open door

sanity is fragile

emotions are fading

smiles are diminishing

nobody knows what goes on in one’s head.



we’re all in it from time to time.

most days the doors are unlocked,

but today the doors are locked.

i’m on my sore knees

hoping the lock will come off

—deals with god, lucifer, or an angel

i’ve made.


one day,

a glimmer of hope crawls in.

there’s nothing there except for bright lights.

and the whisper through the fresh breeze,

“open door, go now.”

what kind of fool would stand back and persist with their wonders?

not me.

because i ran.

The author's comments:

M.S. Blues is a multiracial, queer, versatile writer—poet, playwright, short story-ist, lyricist, and novelist. Her work revolves around the darker pieces of humanity society tends to neglect. When she isn’t bound to paper, pencils, or the computer, she enjoys costume designing, reading, playing guitar, watching old films, and studying asteroids. She has been published 3x by Literal Impact, 3x by Teen Ink, The Trailblazer Review, Eber & Wein, Pa'lante!, and 4x by Wingless Dreamer. She currently resides in the Bay Area, California and is looking forward to beginning her college journey in the Fall. Her Instagram handle is _.thewriterx._

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