Strangers | Teen Ink


August 10, 2023
By Rosh_Gopal SILVER, New York, New York
Rosh_Gopal SILVER, New York, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ll never forget that day in January.

Cold raindrops fell like mirrors as I 

ran down West St. when I saw you, 

a strange face, running towards me.

You looked up, and our eyes locked and  

for a moment time froze

the sky blurred out

yet your emerald eyes pierced through me

Before we both seemed to realize the awkwardness of it all.

I was stunned, thoughts evading me so reality pulled me back and  

I just put my head down, and so did you.

I thought that was the end, 

a closed book to be stored in the archives of my mind

slowly collecting dust.

I thought I would just keep

running away. Just another awkward encounter with a stranger.

Yet, something inside pulled me up and I looked back toward 

you, expecting nothing but a blurred shadow running off into the distance, yet

there you were looking back at me,

like you knew me and I think I heard you laugh. 

For a second the distance closed;

For a second you were no longer a stranger.

I still wonder what would have happened if 

I ran toward you one last time, but that never happened.

We both kept running, following our own paths eyes elsewhere but I’ll never

Forget that moment and maybe you won’t either.

Maybe if our paths cross again, I’ll run back to you

And see what happens

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