A Conversation in Nature | Teen Ink

A Conversation in Nature

September 6, 2023
By booklover0725 GOLD, Bethesda, Maryland
booklover0725 GOLD, Bethesda, Maryland
17 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Beneath the moon’s soft glow, the willow weeps

As night embraces the silent meadow, painting a somber scene

Branches swaying in mournful grace, a synchrony of sorrow

Wind carrying whispers of love once lost and dreams long forgotten

Supple limbs trembling in the breeze

Dewdrops cascading tears in silver streams

Slipping off the trailing leaves and into the brook below

Drawing strength from ancient roots, resilient fingers gripping the earth


Under the tree’s draping canopy, the brook babbles and gurgles

Humming a sweet lullaby, nature’s symphony of serenity

Silver-scaled fish gliding through the stream 

Iridescent forms flickering and shimmering in the light

Water bugs skittering across the surface like glimmering jewels

Creating ripples like delicate brushstrokes painting the water’s tranquil surface

Silver-tongued whispers flow in sparkling currents 

Gentle murmurs soothing the willow’s silent pain

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