She is just a girl. | Teen Ink

She is just a girl.

September 28, 2023
By 4lott GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
4lott GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She is just a girl.

The girl that sits in the back of the corner 

with blonde hair, and with blue eyes that glow like the blue of the ocean.

 The girl that works 40+ hours a week and still stands with a smile;

She is just a girl. 

Holding cups of water waiting to be filled

Clinking glasses just waiting to be spilled 

Laughter pauses.

She is just a girl. 

Yet has a face on a blank canvas just waiting to get repainted.

 Yet happiness and joy always flow throughout the room

Yet sometimes the river is too blue.

She is just a girl.

With the drive of a young racer willing to try,

with the pressure of a PSI tank waiting to explode 

With compassion to fill a room yet,

She is just a girl. 

The girl that works out for 2 hours a day. 

The person that is only human yet expected to be perfect in every way.

The girl pushing her body to the limits expecting perfection yet,

She is just a girl.

Yet the fear of rejection because of the perfection lingers in the air,

As if what she does will never be enough,

As if her light was never that bright.

She is just a girl;

She is just a girl;

She is just a girl;

She is just a girl;

Remember that.  

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