The smell of night | Teen Ink

The smell of night

September 28, 2023
By thatweebyouwatc SILVER, Peawaulkee, Wisconsin
thatweebyouwatc SILVER, Peawaulkee, Wisconsin
8 articles 1 photo 0 comments

The dark blue oceans of night

The way the stars sore and swim through the dark skies like waves

During the night fall all I hear is a darker gray but all I see is a quiet white circle

The square shape of the sound silence is filling the room like fog

The little shadow shaped men running all around the corners of my mind

I am so close to the sweet pink cotton candy skies of morning but yet so far

The night feels like a lonely old man crying when everyone is no longer looking

The feeling of sadness surrounds my thoughts like an army of ants

I hope this cold dark blue night slowly drifts away like a sailor saying goodbye.

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