Sherlock | Teen Ink


September 28, 2023
By clown PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
clown PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
37 articles 1 photo 0 comments

My parents always told me I could never have a pet,

Dog? No.

Cat? No.

Fish? Yes.

But everyone already had a fish before and they know what it is like.

Until two years ago, I managed to convince my mom.

It was unlikely but it was an animal that had no fur,

A bearded dragon,


I thought I fell into a dreaming state.

When I got her, she was just a baby.

She looked more fragile than I remembered.

She would fit in the palm of my hand,

Now she can only fit in both of my hands.

It sounded like a symphony,

To have the time whoosh by.

A year passed by and I saw how she grew into an adult.

I laughed as she would pounce around, and would tap away.

As I spent more time with Sherlock, a bond grew.

I knew I couldn’t live without her.

At night I would look at her all cuddled up and sleeping.

I would give her little head rubs, that's when I thought she looked the cutest.

At night I would take her out and she would fall asleep on my chest,

She would always fall asleep on me.

Bearded Dragons are in no way cuddly.

They are spiky,

I get poked and scratched,

But It has never mattered to me.

Everyday after I come home from school,

I run to my room and get Sherlock.

It's a routine to me 

Without her Something would feel like it would be missing.

There would be an empty spot in my room where her tank lies.

There would be an empty space in my heart.

But there would always be a space somewhere,

She would be in my memory.

Her jumping off the couch.

Her feasting upon crickets and mealworms. 

Hand feeding her greens.

Taking her outside and realizing she isn’t a fan of being outside.

Her eating bugs that would crawl around the house.

And my mom being worried that what she ate was gonna harm her.

Her going through small gaps,

Even though she would get stuck.

Sherlock is unforgettable.

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