Train Station | Teen Ink

Train Station

October 12, 2023
By MelissaNg SILVER, Lexington, Massachusetts
MelissaNg SILVER, Lexington, Massachusetts
5 articles 4 photos 0 comments


of this life:

Living away from reality

Jumping on salty waves

Ascending gracefully, freely

Lifeguards yelling don't go too deep

But I pretend not to hear

Because I'm already too deep in this fantasy

Living near this daydream

Click-clacking along in voguish stiletto heels, Zara bags fluttering on my arms

Pedestrians yelling watch where you're going

But I'm already too caught up in this make-believe.


Leaving the beach, the city

Friends, too awkward to hug now 

Can't push each other off slides anymore, slurp on cotton candy ice-cream


Time chugs on, pulling out of the station

Winking through the window, weaving

Towards truth

Leaving you behind with only dreams

On the lonely platform.

The author's comments:

I hope the message readers would get from this poem is that dreams will only happen if you make it a reality. If you don't try to make your dreams happen, time will move on and leave you behind with only your dreams, but not your truth. Chase after the train. 

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