Your Touch, My Midas | Teen Ink

Your Touch, My Midas

October 13, 2023
By tenebrae_ars SILVER, Cheswick, Pennsylvania
tenebrae_ars SILVER, Cheswick, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Golden hair enshrines the face I idolatrize

A halo of the divine

Sharp forget-me-not eyes

Echo skies filled with sunshine

Nimble fingers drip molten gold

On anyone who gets too close

My skin reddens and blisters

Wherever your burning touch flows

You remake me for the better

Who is it that you see?

For when the illusion shatters

All that’s left will be me

I’d carve out my heart, and give it to you

Let your scorching touch bestow new life 

Burn the flesh, remake my heart anew

A perfect golden sculpture, fit to be your wife

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