The Key to Love | Teen Ink

The Key to Love

October 13, 2023
By tenebrae_ars SILVER, Cheswick, Pennsylvania
tenebrae_ars SILVER, Cheswick, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I saw an old, decorative lock at an antique store

And instantly my mind flooded with flashes

Bridges overwhelmed with locks

Consumed by countless couples’ conquests

A second look, a closer take, and there it is

Our initials inscribed upon the old lock

Locks: a testament of an impenetrable relationship

So strong and sure you can throw away the key

Toss it into the waters below, lost forever

But now if it ends, you’ll need bolt cutters

A much more violent way to separate

Maybe that’s why, instinctively,

I chose a puzzle lock that can always be freed

We come together and retreat away

Like the waves and the shore

Sometimes I am the waves, other times it’s you

But we love each other all the same

When we come crashing back together

Too independent to be chained as one

But too close to pretend we are nothing at all

I bought the old, decorative puzzle lock

And a few days later, 

When you came over

I taught you how to open it

“It really is so simple”

You said after it slid open at last

Only for you, love, only for you

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