Giant Statues | Teen Ink

Giant Statues

October 17, 2023
By 5falknerworgull GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
5falknerworgull GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a never ending forest filled with statues that went up to the skies.

The trip to the top of the mountain was treacherous and rigged. 

Turning corners which had only a string of wire deciding our fate.

If we were to slip on an unbalanced rock, the wire would be the only thing stopping us from the height of the tree tops which would turn us into a skewer. 

As we continued to travel the road got smaller and thinner. 

We shimmied past people as if doing a dance however if we were to take a wrong step. the dance would come to an end. 

As we continued to climb, we became one with the clouds floating through the sky.

looking at the statues that once appeared big only to see them become little ants on the ground. 

Sitting down on our sunburnt legs on rocks that burned just as hot as the sun, was the little relief that we needed to allow us to be able to head back down.

As we look back up into the sky we see thousands of birds flying away in fear. 

“Oh my goodness,” My sister says. We turn our heads to the other side of the mountain to see a fire rising out behind it 

Grey and pink fog illuminated the sky as the trees feared their existence. 

“We have to go,” My dad said as he started to head toward the wire thin path that we had just overcome. 

My family starts jogging down the path. The same path that I just trembled up to get to the top of. 

Nearing the bottom of the trail the fire causes us to catapult into the car.

The main road was blockaded causing us to take a foreign dirt road that caused our car to shake and rumble. 

We drove as if we were running away from a monster in a horror film not knowing where the next jump scare would come from.

When we finally arrived back at home there was a feeling as if a dumbbell had been released from the backs of our shoes. 

The treacherous hike that once seemed filled with laughter and happiness turned into a spine chilling adventure that will stick with us forever. 

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