Smile | Teen Ink


October 17, 2023
By 5falknerworgull GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
5falknerworgull GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Within my family all of us have a different smile. My sister Olivia has a smile that can light up someone's day. She is kind and thoughtful and you will always be put first above her thoughts. My Dads smile is one that will make you laugh even if there is no word said. My sister Maddie’s smile is the most honest and truthful smile that you will ever encounter. 

However my Mother’s smile is unlike anyone else's. Her smile can be presented towards her friends with humor and laughter. Her smile can be the comfort after a bad day. Her smile can allow everything that has happened to be okay. Her smile can heal any wound, and bandage any break. My mothers smile is the warm sun that shines through the windows on the carpet. My mothers smile is the freshly made bed with perfectly fluffed pillows and the softest blankets within the world. 

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