EYES | Teen Ink


October 18, 2023
By 5brunner GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5brunner GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The eyes of my family consist of many different colors. My mom has hazel eyes that change colors like the changing colors of the leaves in fall. My sister has green eyes, lush as the brisk grass that rises up through the dirt. But for me and my dad, our eyes are the ocean. They are the color of the crashing blue waves that pull you into a trance. 

Blue - the color of imagination, and intelligence. Blue lifts you off the ground and takes you on an adventure, filling you with life and peace. My father and I have seen very different things throughout our lives and have been on many different paths, yet we will always have our eyes in common, no matter where the rest of our lives take us. Our eyes are like the constant flow of a river, moving at different speeds and taking us in different directions in our lives. Yet, those rivers flow into the same ocean. They are the color of the crashing blue waves that pull you into a trance.

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