Where I get it from | Teen Ink

Where I get it from

October 20, 2023
By Anonymous

Everybody in my family has different personalities. My dad is hard-headed but light-hearted, he's not good with his feelings. My oldest brother Connor is crazy, fun, and adventurous. My other brother cade is always productive and focused on his goals. I am the loud, adventurous, and entertaining personality in the family.

But my mom is the leader of our family, she is brave, she is giving, and always kind. She's perfect, she smells of productivity. She strives to make everyone better. My mom, My mom, My mom. She is the alarm clock of the family, always on time, always prepared and ready, and sometimes that means dreading being around them, finding her annoying at some points like when your alarm clock goes off in the morning, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP repeating until you finally give in and get up. She looks at routine, where I get the sense of routine, having to do certain things every day. Every day she has to exercise, every day she has juice, and every day she has to do her hair in the morning.

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