Unconventional Beauty | Teen Ink

Unconventional Beauty

October 20, 2023
By Anonymous

 Most people think mature and beautiful is sunsets, hikes, and water but what about the simple beauty, Nature isn't just being surrounded by nothing but trees but the feeling that being outside brings you, peace, and freedom like just waking up in a same local town, when I hear that I think of Still water, my yearly summer girls trip.

       I imagine Waking up while the sun is still behind the trees and putting on comfy walking shoes that make me feel like I could run around the world in them. Walking outside and feeling the brisk morning air, the fog still in the air and the grass still wet, it's late summer reaching the hottest temperatures of summer but still, the mornings feel chilly, the only part of the day you go outside with a sweatshirt on. Feeling the peace of being in a small quaint town, nothing like where you live, there's no target right down the road or a Starbucks to get your daily coffee fix. Which is a change I could get used to. I'm in a small cute house right down the road from downtown. I start your daily walk to your newfound favorite breakfast place. 

        As you walk, the temperature rises, the sun slowly pecking above the houses covering the sides of the roads as you walk. I never realized a walk in a neighborhood could be so beautiful, seeing the historical houses, houses I would never see in Hartland, with beautiful yards filled with flowers, the neighborhood seeming so local, people living there their whole life in houses that can't be rebuilt, can't be replaced. 

       You reach the brick breakfast place and somehow a 3-mile walk flies by. I go and get my yearly order. You sit on the patio area outside, soaking up every glimpse of fresh air, and watch as everyone slowly awakes and seems to be doing the same routine as you, I’m always used to moving fast but I stop and think, I look around, and feel the peace, the peace of hearing the water, feeling the wind brush against your skin and the sun rising to make your skin glow as you walk.

    My walk back is filled with the sun glistening through the green summer trees, walking through the neighborhood, and seeing the beautiful summer flowers colors of orange, purple, and pink. I feel like I never want to leave. The joy you feel here, the peace—the peace of a small town, the peace of unconventional nature.

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