Your Person | Teen Ink

Your Person

October 22, 2023
By 205130 BRONZE, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
205130 BRONZE, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I feel so incredibly sorry for those who haven’t met their person. 

Not their significant other,

But someone who compliments them scarily perfectly. 


That person who you think of when reading a sweet moment in a new book, 

Watching a summer thunderstorm roll by, 

Or drinking warm apple cider on a crisp autumn morning. 


Someone who will leap out of bed to call you for hours on end.

Someone who will laugh with you when you do something embarrassingly stupid. 

Someone who would sacrifice a little bit of themself to make you happy. 


I hope everyone finds someone who helps them get through a ride on the struggle bus.

Someone who worries when you show up to school with a face swollen from tears.

Someone who makes sure you ate enough at lunch. 


Life would be so much better if everyone could find their true best friend.

The author's comments:

This piece is about my very best friend, my person. I love her to the moon and back. She makes me feel so sorry and so guilty for being able to have her when not every has found their person yet. I hope everyone on this huge planet finds their person. 

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