5 Poems About Certain Topics | Teen Ink

5 Poems About Certain Topics

October 31, 2023
By Anonymous

The Weight Of Confidence

Confidence is seen as a loud bang because everyone sees it

However, confidence is like a leader

They seem proud and mighty upfront but deep down they are afraid and anxious

It’s almost a mask they have to put on to make others have confidence as well, even if they 

themselves don’t have it

Confidence is seen as a superior thing, but a person can turn that superior thing into a terrible thing

Sometimes they cause it to create arguments or arrogance 

It’s almost as if it’s an ancient weapon

Some believe they can wield it, but when they do, they see how much it takes to wield such a weapon

Luckily, some can wield this weapon and make good use of it for themselves and others

Confidence is nice to have but overwhelming at times

Sometimes That loud and confident person

The voice that’s as loud as a lion roaring

But Then suddenly 

Out of energy like a battery toy

People see confidence as a superpower 

But sometimes it’s a superpower with consequences 

Confidence can make relationships fall to pieces

Confidence can cause self-indulgent 

Confidence is more than a feeling

For all we know, confidence can be the end of everything

Confidence is a tool and weapon to everyone and everything  

Including You




Behind The Face Of Shame   

Shame is terrible

Shame is unpleasant 

Shame to us is like a fire to a forest

Why does society tell us shame is terrible

To everyone, it’s seen as a monster

But to others, it’s seen as a light to make ourselves better

Opportunities shine like a star in the illuminated night

Shame helps us reflect on past failures

Lets us find the key to our achievement 

However, it depends on how we perceive it

That is the most important thing

The way we perceive it will affect the outcome of how we deal with shame

The outcomes can be as good as ice cream on a tropical day

Or as bad as a cold on a school day

I know this is repeated as much as a cricket chirping in the night  

But the outcome of shame is the way we as a person perceive it


Definition of Insanity 

To everyone insanity

Automatically we think that means a delusional and unstable person

Possibly serial killers come to mind or school shooters or anything that has to do with crazy activities 

But insanity could be found in the most simple and sane person

We just don’t notice it amongst others and ourselves


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again 

Expecting something to change while doing whatever it is you are doing

It can be a major change or minor change

You just expect something

 Anything at all

That doesn’t sound like insanity, but it becomes insanity when you start to say in your head

“This time will be different” “no this time will be different” “ok I know this time will not be the same”

That is insanity 

You as a person are making yourself without even noticing 


That is crazy

But to some that is insanity

You can’t expect something to just change like that

However, that depends on what the subject or thing is

You can be changing something like talking different or acting different

And if the results are the same and same and same

That’s no longer trying but becoming more insane, thinking that something might actually change

When in reality you can’t change what’s meant to be the same every single time

Sometimes things are just meant to stay as how they are

Whether we like it or not 

That is crazy

That is delusional

That is deranged

That is insanity  


Truth Behind Betrayal 

First thing that comes to mind

The first thing we think when seeing the word betrayal is our enemies

Yet we don’t think at all

How did they become our enemy

What were they before to us

A friend

Or rather, someone close to us

Someone so close you decide to tell secrets to

Someone you do everything with

Someone who you would never expect betrayal from

But as sorrowful as it sounds 

Betrayal never ever comes from a person we know nothing about

But rather, a person who could know every little thing about you

That’s the truth sadly

Others may see this as false and insane 

Yet those who have experienced enough betrayal in life

Those who have experienced betrayal over and over and over and over 

See this as the truth behind this horrendous word and feeling nevertheless 

We wish that the betrayal of events never happened, but that’s just how it is

You can’t change destiny 

You can’t change what was meant to happen in order for us to develop in life

It all depends on how we decide to do with the betrayal

One side, which is become a good person and get over it 

Or the other side, which sadly a majority of people go over to

Which is thinking every single person we so call “trust” will soon betray us and cause of that

Develop trust issues 

All of these things can come from a single action caused by someone close to us

We have to accept that that’s the truth

We may keep trying to reject that truth, but that truth will set in slowly and slowly, and you won’t even notice until it’s too late


Gods to us mortals and humans are seen as powerful beings who can do anything at all

Can make prayers come true

Change water to wine 

But I see them as useless as water to a dead animal 

Why are they called gods when all they simply do is “exist”

If gods are so moral and existent 

How come wars are still around

Why are people starving to the point where their ribs are showing 

Why do good people pass away while the awful ones live

If these bad things still exist, then gods surely don’t exist right

Oh wait, in order to make these things to go away we pray and worship them

But if these prayers don’t get answered, we work for it like dogs

Then give these “gods” the credit

People believe in gods because they think they aren’t alone in whatever they are struggling with

Sadly, they are though

“Kings of Kings”


Why do we give gods these titles

They shouldn't be given these titles but rather earn them

Just like how we work in life to earn our overall existent 

They should too in order to be worthy of their title


Gods are a fairy tale

Gods aren’t real

Gods simply “exist” to make others not feel abandoned 









The author's comments:

Some of these poems may be offensive. Sorry.

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