Overthrowing Hypocrisy | Teen Ink

Overthrowing Hypocrisy

November 1, 2023
By Anonymous

It is at a very rare point

Where one can see 


What once was

And what will be

If what one is looking at 

Is not a legacy

But for me personally

My world will not allow me to be

In a state where I can perceive

A future imagined in a dream

At night, or day, or moments in between

Where there's an eventual present to see

When I have the chance to intervene

Because I have been paralyzed in vain

As time outside of past and present

Has become my biggest bane

Stuck without loss or gain

Locked in a chained brain

Made to feel insane

For feeling such disdain

As I have a future to obtain

And while I've been left in this terrain

With only given thoughts to entertain

I fear my bones have solidified too soon

Frozen by an already lived fortune

Because somehow while looking at the same moon

I missed the breaking down of my cocoon

And seemingly every afternoon

I am shadowed in a cacophony of dreaded questions

Asking about resolutions for revelations

That are already meant to have spun flat of revolutions

That I secretly have spinning still on suspensions

With aged maroon stained creations

Saved for future forgotten occasions

That I put on hold

Because I was told

To not want to grow old

Leaving me paranoid

Of a time I've been taught to avoid

A dreamy distanced skyline destroyed

As clocks became weapons deployed

That have left current moments feeling decoyed

And honestly I'm just really annoyed

That it is not only I

Who feels the pressure to never do what is unexpected

Until we are expected to

Leaving us out like unbaked clay


Made to stay but not decay

Drowned in a haze

Left out to freeze

Longing for the ability to stoically seize

Anticipatory please

To chase the edge of a breeze

Breathing in the air just before an applause

But I have to hope dreams can do more than simply thaw

So I'll lift my iced shaking hands to declaw

And wish to withdraw beliefs I foresaw

As it’s time to find a new law

Anyone can individually redraw

Because our vision was not born tinted

This attribute was ungratefully gifted

As age is a topic too far drifted

Leaving the snowfall of things predicted

Improperly sifted

Coldly depicted

But not destined to be encrypted

As like all things that can be outwitted

Nothing is past being contradicted

If we take times pressure and evict it

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