Seeing Inside Someone | Teen Ink

Seeing Inside Someone

November 7, 2023
By Anonymous



Looking at someone, you think you know them

You know the color of their hair, eyes, shirt

You feel as if you could tell who they are, where they live, what they like to do

You look at them, you look at what they are wearing, what they are doing at that moment, how they walk, how they talk and you think

“I know them”

Or you look at someone in class and think I know them

You see how they sit, you see “Are they talking to someone?” if they're not then they have no friends

If they're doing homework then they are smart, right? 

You get a glimpse of someone and think “I could probably tell their life story”

It's hard not to make assumptions, about how they look, how they talk, how they smell

You get a sniff of someone, they smell like fresh vanilla

You see someone's hair, it's silky and smooth

You see their shoes, there are perfectly clean as if they just came out of the box

You think they look fresh and productive. Put Together

Then they look at you, they think the same thing

They think, I love their pants I wonder where she got them

They think, her hair is so long and clean looking

But if you were to talk to them, there is more to them

Their parents just got divorced, she works three jobs and could barely afford those jeans

But she saw another girl wearing them and had to have them so she spent her whole paycheck on them

You can look at someone from the outside but it doesn't mean you see the inside

Looking out into the world is an interesting feeling, We are so used to only knowing how we feel

The author's comments:

It can feel impossible to be a girl, to be in high school, to compare yourself to everyone, and never feel good enough. I wrote this poem to explain what goes on in girl's minds, no matter how good you look or feel that day there's always someone better. It doesn't matter if they are a horrible person, at least they have the new shoes everyone wants. It doesn't matter if someone treats you badly because they have more friends so it's fine. I wanted to go into what we say, it's hard to break down why we feel the need to do it. It's like it automatically does it when you see someone you just look at them and thoughts appear. It can be dangerous if you don't know someone, you're just looking at them. You only get a glimpse but you don't think about that, you are overwhelmed by just looking from the outside. 

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