Homesick | Teen Ink


November 8, 2023
By Anonymous

The shape of the past fits inside a rectangle movie screen

where it shows all of the memories of the past.

The color teal represents the opposite of my past,

It shows the future.

My future.

My future college

My future place I will live.

My future reads that I need to get away.

I need to move to Florida as a human is to need water.

Florida is as happy as a puppy,

Everything there is perfect.

It's a special spot by the soothing sea. 

I have always wanted to get away from Wisconsin.

I want to go to a glimmery, gratitude filled place. 

The urge to go to this place is making me homesick.

I am so excited to move there, it's all I’ve been thinking about.

Florida talks to me in a loving way.

Wisconsin talks to me in a hateful way. 

This place makes me homesick.

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