Big Brother | Teen Ink

Big Brother

November 9, 2023
By Anonymous

I poke at my now soggy cereal 

taking turns as i dunk them into the seasoned milk 

today was his birthday 

he was 18 as of today 


I did not forget his day 

i had spent the past week looking for a gift to only end up with the same thing i'd gotten the year before 


The realization hadn't hit me 

how easily i let time slip away 

big brother and little sis 

i wasn't ready for the change 


i still remember him, at 14 getting his first job 

12 and still called cooties when we'd share a drink

10 years old, when we walked together to school 

8 years old when he'd measure our cups of juice to make sure he had the most 

and 6 years old when he'd tease me just for laughs 


I didn't think it'd come so soon

I didn't think to hold onto the time 

but only today did i realize he was 18


He'd be leaving this upcoming year 

and i'd be next 

now i've begun counting the days until i'd be the last one standing 

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