My Unknown Love | Teen Ink

My Unknown Love

November 13, 2023
By Anonymous

In twilight's hush, where shadows dance and play,
A secret love I nurture deep within my heart,
A flame that flickers bright, yet hidden from view,
My unknown love, a treasure I keep apart.

His eyes, like stars on midnight skies so blue,
Shine bright with kindness, gentle as a sigh,
His touch ignites a fire that never fades,
Leaving me breathless, lost in sweet delight.

His voice, a melody that echoes through time,
Whispers words of love, a symphony divine,
With every note, my heart takes flight,
In his embrace, my soul finds its home tonight.

But alas! Our love remains unspoken,
A secret kept locked, lest it be broken,
For fear of ridicule or scornful looks,
I hide my heart, my feelings unspoken.

Yet still, I dream of stolen glances,
Of whispers in the moonlit garden's haze,
Of hands entwined, our hearts as one,
Together we'd face whatever life may bring.

So here I'll hold this love inside,
This burning flame that cannot be denied,
And though it may forever stay unsung,
My unknown love will live on, eternally young.

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