Anne Frank tribute | Teen Ink

Anne Frank tribute

November 16, 2023
By Breck_Bless BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Breck_Bless BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Even if you have so much power you can't take away human rights with corruption 

If you think you can take away human rights as Hitler did you are mistaken, everyone has rights to live, to laugh, and to love

Even as a leader you have to see the freedom that humans have

Anne Frank is the perfect example of human rights being taken away by corruption


Anne Frank was in the dirty annex  for 2 years with no way to the outside world

While in the annex there was 7 other people, and they couldn't shower the smell of un cleaned bodies and an un cleaned house was disgusting 

The annex was hope it was what kept them going


They had 2 special people that gave them news and food, Miep and Mr.Kraler

They started hiding in the Annex in 1940, and only got out in 1942

In the annex they got barely any food and common necessities

While in the annex they looked out a window to see the outside world

Often they would hear noises of fun things outside, but they couldn't go outside to be part of it Also they could only go to the bathroom during night, and couldn't move much during the day, imagine sitting and touching the rough floor all day


Hitler took away personal freedoms that everyone deserves, and did not give any of it back. By the end everyone was found and sent to concentration camps, but they would only go to one temporarily before moving again to a new one

By the end they all died at concentration camps except Mr.Frank proving the cruelty  this


I will bear witness this by standing up for people who are facing injustice, and tell people of the story of Anne Frank and the annex

I will also say things against corrupt leaders if they attempt anything like this again

In conclusion this legendary story is something to be remembered, for injustice like this is still going on today and we all need to help and make it stop

The author's comments:

I believe that the terrible acts of the holocaust were unjust and we need to stop all type of this injustice

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