Paved Sidewalks | Teen Ink

Paved Sidewalks

November 24, 2023
By djl0000 BRONZE, Seoul, Other
djl0000 BRONZE, Seoul, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I stepped out of the airport

clear blue skies, fresh air

Away from the rushing deadlines 

a sense of freedom 

Walking along the paved sidewalks

The cafés filled with people 

with conversations

a student

only a year older than me

the whole room full of rambunctious chatting

His table, the only one 

with no sound

His tea, still steaming

Behind me, red bricks

Standing tall and proud as history

On a tour of the Harvard 

a boy about one year younger than me

He listened attentively

There were so many like him

and the boy in the café

and maybe even me

My future cleanly paved 

like the sidewalks of Boston. 

The author's comments:

DANIEL JOON LEE is a poet and writer from Seoul, South Korea. He is the runner-up for the North London Collegiate School’s Slam Poetry Competition. Daniel writes for his school’s geopolitical publication, The Equilibrium Magazine. He is one of the founding members of his school's only poetry club, The Dead Poet Society, dedicated to embracing and recognizing the value of poetry, seizing the day, and making life extraordinary. He enjoys writing narrative poetry and poetry about current events. You can normally find him reading books, playing music, and playing soccer. Daniel currently attends North London Collegiate School in Jeju, South Korea.

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