Three Points on Ignorance | Teen Ink

Three Points on Ignorance

November 27, 2023
By Anonymous

The blood is on your hands. 
Your silence allows the room
For the sound of bullets
Whizzing past their feet,
And the rumbling
As their houses crumble.

Politics are ideas to be debated.
Our right to guns;
Budgets and treaties.
Death is not debatable,
Tragedies' objective.
Scars: not theoretical.

Without food and without water - 
Your mental health
Is above all else. 
Their children are in bags - 
You turn off your phone, 
To cleanse from the "toxicity"

The author's comments:

a peer in my current events class said today that the article we read about Gaza was "boring". They referred to it previously as "politics" that they "don't understand" and "don't care to understand". 

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