Workout Tracker | Teen Ink

Workout Tracker

November 28, 2023
By aplumpton BRONZE, Westerly, Rhode Island
aplumpton BRONZE, Westerly, Rhode Island
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Day 1

127 Total Makes For The Day

“Any Other Notes?” 

“Played Twice”

Day 5

232 Total Makes For The Day

“Any Other Notes?”

“Played Three Times”

Day 17

307 Total Makes For The Day

“Any Other Notes?”

“Played Three Times”

Day 22

149 Total Makes For The Day

“Any Other Notes?”

“Played twice. I took the day easy even though the past week has been easy, too”

Day 23

116 Total Makes For The Day

“Any Other Notes?”

“Played twice–light day again”

Day 32

165 Total Makes For The Day

“Any Other Notes?”

“Even though I was tired I went to the YMCA to get some extra shots up. I ended up playing twice. In the future, I need to practice as hard as you can for the entire workout. Make each session count. Get uncomfortable. Jump higher and run faster than normal.”

Day 35

113 Total Makes For The Day

“Any Other Notes?”

“Recently, my jumpshot has been off–my arm and face are touching, it feels weird. I don't know if it's because of my arm going left or my head tilting right, but either way, focus on not doing it. Played once”

Day 37

276 Total Makes For The Day

“Any Other Notes?”

“My jumpshot feels awful. Still has hitches all over the place. Knees go in when I jump. Timing is all off. Not putting maximum effort in and not jumping high. Not getting a good arc. Fading left. Moving the ball up and down and in and out. Ball is brought out as u go up, not straight up. Makes sense why I'm scared to shoot the ball in front of people, especially coaches. Not a shot that works in a game. Played twice.”

Day 50

80 Total Makes For The Day

“Any Other Notes?”

“Didn't even play once. Just messed around. Wasted my time. Schedule got ruined. Got in my head. I feel like everything I've done has been for nothing.”

Day 85

100 Total Makes For The Day

“Any Other Notes?”

“Played once. Wanted to play more, but I didn't wake up early. You still got better though, so learn and move on from it”

Day 98

122 Total Makes For The Day

“Any Other Notes?”

“Played once. Don't get comfortable. Push yourself to exhaustion. Know how to push PAST your limits, don't go easy once you get tired. Great work today”

Day 132

145 Total Makes For The Day

“Any Other Notes?”

“Played twice. Did the best I could. Worked hard when I played and went full speed.”

Day 140

215 Total Makes For The Day

“Any Other Notes?”

“Played twice. Had a great day. Got some great work in before going to practice. Practice was the best we’ve had in years. Everyone worked hard, worked as a team, and worked with energy. I played well and vocal. Couldn’t be happier”

The author's comments:

I play basketball, and dream of eventually playing in college. I work as hard as I can to make this dream come true. To organize my weeks and days, I keep a personal workout tracker on my phone. Within the tracker, I give a description of each drill, dribbling workout, lift, game, and day as whole. At the end of each day, I count the number of shots I made from each session, and leave a note at the end to myself. This piece includes real notes I have written for myself, and is meant to show the fluctuation in an athlete's mental state. It is meant to show the importance of staying positive and going easy on one's self, while still pushing one to their own limits. It shows how athletics teaches lessons, but how stressful it can be.

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