(I am here too) | Teen Ink

(I am here too)

December 4, 2023
By mandilu_16 BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
mandilu_16 BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Here is the shrieking whistle’s selfish song

Beside the bass line of my heartbeat

Out. Out. Out.

Behind the baseline of the court

Between ephemeral games and fathomless shame

(I am here too)

Here are my tirades unspoken

Here is my pseudo-raconteur mock-sententious letter of complaint

To every seam of my skin you’ve broken 

To your palpable inability to care

I liked the color yellow 

Before it was the color of your hair 

(I am here too)

Here is my court-side-shame-hole 

The string between quintessentially and mediocrity 

The string that knots between you and me 

You are the slash between the and and or

Between happy and yours

Between yellowing knee pads on yellow floors

(I am here too)

Here are vehement mascara stains

In yellow locker room sinks and 

Here are blue group chats I would taint 

Sweet honey girls I will never be and

If pride is a sin

The sight of you makes me a saint 

(I am here too)

Here are my sorrys 

Whispered through cracks between fingers 

Sorry I’m not better and blonder 

Sorry I served out the court

I thought then maybe you’d notice me

(because I am here too.)

The author's comments:

This poem deals with the emotionally taxing facets of amateur sports that often go overlooked despite being far too common. Specifically, it addresses harmful feelings of jealousy and low self-esteem. Student-athletes are very often scrutinized and ranked by coaches, parents, and even fellow students. As a result, they do the same to themselves, frequently to a damaging extent. Talking openly about the distress this causes usually comes with the risk of appearing too vulnerable and even less athletic. As a result, these feelings have become far too normalized within amateur sports.

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