Why Rhyme? | Teen Ink

Why Rhyme?

December 5, 2023
By shadowdragonb9 BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
shadowdragonb9 BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Take a look at someone.

What do you assume from seeing them.

Could they be poor because of ripped clothing.

Rich because of the expensive jewelry they wear.

Good at basketball because of height.

Good at Football because they have muscles.

These are some minor examples of Judging off looks.

The more you think about it.

We use looks to judge people a lot.

Just by seeing someone laying on the street,

You may assume they are homeless.

The look of someone is important,

But you shouldn’t base everything off that.

I have witnessed many assume someone with glasses is smart.

Sometimes African Americans are assumed to be good at basketball.

The main issue people will notice with this is with gender.

The internet will shred anyone who assumes a gender incorrectly.

Meanwhile the most racist stuff ever will be said as if its normal.

I personally find everything to be easier when you ignore their looks.

When you think about it, the whole race thing is just idiotic.

We are all humans, why make us different.

We consider all dogs dogs.

We consider all cats cats.

Why not consider all humans humans?

People can do what they want with gender,

So long as they give some leeway for mistake on first meeting someone.

The author's comments:

I am a Junior and High school and just felt like sharing something I am somewhat proud of.

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