seasons change | Teen Ink

seasons change

December 7, 2023
By Ruka BRONZE, Dennison, Minnesota
Ruka BRONZE, Dennison, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

seasons change and so do we like leaves falling from the tree friends once now far away memerrios linger but they sway in the spring of we met with glee our laughter echoed wild and free but as  a few summers passed, our path diverged like the changing tided our bonds submerged autumn came and colors faded our connection worn and jaded the winds blew us apart leaving echcoes of a broken heart now winter's chill a silent freeze as friendships fade, with bitter sweet ease but in this cycle  new buds will grow and in time, new friends will show
so let the seasons change,and bring anew for with each loss new friendships will accrue though friends may leave and part our range well cherish the moments, as seasons  change 

The author's comments:

its about friend come and go and we must embrace it 

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