Perfect Picture | Teen Ink

Perfect Picture

December 10, 2023
By Tam GOLD, Hai Phong, Other
Tam GOLD, Hai Phong, Other
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Crazy people are not crazy if one accepts their reasoning." - Grabriel Garcia Marquez
"Yeah, the D.A.'s Good. Only Let's Make It Stand For Dumbledore's Army Because That's The Ministry's Worst Fear, Isn't It?" - Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix)

Looking at these pictures

I get more insecure

Because this is her

The girl everyone adores

She's just like an angel

With a voice that warms people's heart

Her eyes are sweet

She walks graceful like butterflies

But it hurts me every time

It haunts my dreams

Cause she does things for others

And stay perfect like no other

She's quick in thoughts

But I can't make amends

Everything I do feels complicated

But she makes everything easy

And appeals the audience in front of me

I get distracted

Whereas she's dedicated

I'm depressed in bed

When she's never missing out

I can only see beauty in another life

What I want I can't have

I'm so sick and tired

Everything unnerves in a morning

Then she comes and shines

Like an usual thing

Somehow, I feel so small

By my weakness

I can't help what I can't control

My mind is exhausted

Overthinking turns self-deprication

They told me I shouldn't

But I hate myself too much

Every part inside me vindicates

The nauseous feeling

Can I become her?

When will I be that girl in the magic street

But I'm careless, and she's so driven

She's everything I want to be.

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