Our Dreams | Teen Ink

Our Dreams

December 12, 2023
By Princessmk BRONZE, Saranac, Michigan
Princessmk BRONZE, Saranac, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When young we dreamed,

Life was perfect every day.

Now older, childhood dreams

Fade away farther each year.


Why couldn't we stay young,

Children full of dreams and hopes?

Why does a dream fall apart?

Why couldn't we keep them?


We see the truth of life,

We can't see different.

We try to pull our dreams to us, 

We just want them off the shelf.


On the shelf they stay, 

The door we hope won't shut.

We cling to memories,

The only hall to our childhood.


The flowers we hold,

The weeds we'll try to toss.

We still hold the thread, 

A link to our dreams.


Our perfect families we saw,

Now imperfect we all can tell.

Our eyes changed with the years,

We have reality, no longer our dreams.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece showing how I saw my life and family as a child compared to now as I've grown older.

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