The First Deep Snow of the Year | Teen Ink

The First Deep Snow of the Year

December 15, 2023
By KlayJ05K BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
KlayJ05K BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first deep snow of the year

Families with hearts full of cheer,

Bundled warmly for the cold.

Gaze upon snow, so white, so bold.

The smiles of trees,

Barren of their leaves,

Carries the echoes of it’s laugh,

And silences the sobbing pleas

The first deep snow of the year.

Families with hearts full of cheer, 

Bundled warmly for the cold.

Gaze upon snow, so white, so bold.

Bring some light and some rope,

Don’t dare forget your large winter coat,

And brace yourself for the end of the day.

Do, please, remember to pray.


The first snow of the year.

Families with hearts full of fear, 

Bundled but shivering of cold.

Gaze upon snow, so white, so bold.

I glare down at my hand,

Now a strong purple hue,

Knowing what they don’t understand.

This is not OUR winter wonderland.

The first snow of the year.

Families with hearts full of fear,

Bundled but shivering of cold.

Gaze upon snow, now red, how bold.

The author's comments:

 It's a winter wonderland, but not for us.

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