Oh Yeah This is a Reason I continue to do Dis! | Teen Ink

Oh Yeah This is a Reason I continue to do Dis!

December 19, 2023
By CrafterP SILVER, New York, New York
CrafterP SILVER, New York, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

God bless how a brother got an opportunity to do this

In truth I don't want it any other way

My goal was to become an artist with hand but it was really through voice

Although as of this moment my art spew through my hand don't let those lines skew

Cause my goal the same although I say, a brother wish that he could be better at writing drawings with his writing hands

Her goals the same as his but I don't think I would want it any other way

A slang is something that simply is

Like how everyone knows what 100 means

In the sense of telling truth








And I wouldn’t nor would any other brother slash sister want it any other way


You see I don't care how long this Little Anthology gon be

Cause from what I see it don't matter cause I got thousands of words to write ya dig?

You know why I write Ya Dig?

I don't know why you asking me, 

You think I would but I don't

Wish I did

Wish I would

You see when you put me infront of a keyboard I can do anything

Cause the internet really just allows a Brother to do anything like become a Sister

Through modifications of the computer/app



What am I gonna do when I gotta put an


Up on my desk

The author's comments:

Oh Yeah, a less serious piece, Ya Dig?

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