Jealous of Her Imperfection | Teen Ink

Jealous of Her Imperfection

December 21, 2023
By Anonymous

Envy, envy, envy

Bagel brown hair

Yet delicately so crimpy and crispy

Grassy green eyes

Beaming like emeralds in the nights sky

   Her temples beautiful

But she just sees imperfections

Like a ruff draft of a clay art sculpture

Her reflection is beauty,


Yet she’s proving everyone wants what the other ones working

She suffers

Suffers like sheep being shaped into sadness

I know she's probably been through blazes the past year

That feeling in her stomach won’t go away

But she pretends like she's ate that day

Even if shes only had a bite of her friends food

Just so she can be stood

So why am I jealous?

Jealous and petty like a teenage girl

Wanting to be better physically 

Comparing myself to be satisfied 

I know my body's beautiful

Know my body's beautiful

My body's beautiful 

Body's beautiful 


At the end of the day, I know 

Yet everyone wants what the other one working

So I see her and I want to be her

But it’s getting a lot worse

This time I want her body





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