The love I hated the most | Teen Ink

The love I hated the most

December 21, 2023
By 60016040 BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
60016040 BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the depths of the heart's bitter embrace,
Lies a tale of love I often misplaced.
A love that whispered sweet deceitful lies,
Leaving scars that still haunt my wounded ties.

It bloomed like a flower, vibrant and bright,
But its petals concealed shadows of the night.
A love that promised joy, yet brought me pain,
Leaving my soul drenched in tears like rain.

With every gentle touch, a venomous sting,
I was lost in the maze of a twisted fling.
A love that held me captive, suffocating my breath,
Leaving me gasping for freedom, a life bereft.

But from the ashes of that love gone astray,
I found strength to rise, to find a better way.
For in the darkness, a lesson I did learn,
To discern true love from the ones that burn.

So now I stand, with scars that mark my past,
But I'm stronger, wiser, no longer held fast.
For the love I hated the most, taught me to grow,
To embrace the love that's genuine, and let it show.

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