Bottom Lashes | Teen Ink

Bottom Lashes

December 27, 2023
By Aubrey_g1 BRONZE, Waukesha, Wisconsin
Aubrey_g1 BRONZE, Waukesha, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

maybe if my bottom lashes were longer

my 8th grade boyfriend would have shown me more affection

his love for me ran just as short as my eyelashes, and lengthening mascara didn’t buy me much time

eventually i had to wipe it off, and with it i wiped off the facade i had put on.

maybe he would have shown me the amount of love he did his last girlfriend

if i hadn’t tried to be so hard to not be like her he would have liked me

if i had been myself

would i have longed for a forehead kiss

like the ones he gave her?

would i still be envious from time to time

he always held her hand longer than he held mine

would i have longed for more than just facetime calls

talking for hours, i still remember he wanted a dog

if my lashes were long like hers, would it have made a difference?

did it matter how short my lashes are

or was it just an 8th grade relationship that could never really go far.

The author's comments:

This piece is about a relationship my mind always seems to wander to when I feel lonely. Some sort of phenomenon in my brain, that’s what the relationship was for me. I believe it really is one of the things that shaped me into the person I am today, and while it’s not one of my best, I feel it has meaning, speaking from the inner 8th grader inside of me.

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