The Journey | Teen Ink

The Journey

December 27, 2023
By sxhib_k BRONZE, Gurugram, Other
sxhib_k BRONZE, Gurugram, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Flowing on ridges

Not knowing what’s to come

A swamp so strong

Snuck behind the sun


A single boat to the rescue

In it, the chosen one

But life doesn’t give anything

Directly to no one


So came four more responsibilities

For the lucky son

One hid so well in the dark

Underneath the sun


While the rest took care of themselves

As the strongest won

In the boy’s shock

Came a bigger one


The boy and the tiger survived and thrived

Finding food for the other one

And slowly like the tide

They came together as a sum


The boy saw an open door

An isle known by none

But soon after he realised

This was no door of fun


He thought about how life

Gave him a place to rest his palm

When he was ready to give up

Asking to be gone


The last destination came

He watched the tiger’s eyes go numb

As he looked in the jungle

Both of them knowing this had to come


So, the tiger disappeared

Without any look or such

Leaving the boy in misery

Not accepting what it had done


But life had to go on

He had to let go of the time gone

But he would always cherish the adventure

That life had made him worn

The author's comments:

This poem summarizes the famous his 'Life of Pi' in a few stanzas. This movie was about the proof of existence of God, but I chose to represent life through this poem with the events in the movie. 

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