Us | Teen Ink


January 10, 2024
By Anonymous

It has always been you and me

Me and you

But I always wanted more

More from you

More from me

More from us

I tried to escape from this trapped state of dependence

But I keep coming back 

“I need space”

But I can't do it

I can never do it 

I will always need you 

I will always need us 

What will I do?

When I can't have you anymore

When I can't have us 

How will I be satisfied 

With just myself?


When will I be okay? 

With not having you 

With not having us 


I often think about a life without you 

But I cannot be satisfied with that vision 

A life without you 

A life without us 

How will I do it? 

I cant

I won't 

But I must 

I must let go 

Of you

Of us 

The author's comments:

I have been in a relationship with this one guy for about 3 years on and off. I constantly find myself stuck with trying to escape this life with him, we don't work and he's not the guy for me but I've grown so dependent on him that the thought of a life without him is unimaginable. I can't imagine a life without him, without us but I have to. because I can't live a life with someone just because I can't live without them. 

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